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Understanding Asynchronous Redux Actions with Redux Thunk

Perhaps simple actions and UI changes don’t have to be a part of the Redux store and can be maintained at the component level. Actions send data from the application (user interactions, internal events such as API calls, and form submissions) to the store. Internal actions are simple JavaScript objects why redux that have a type property (usually constant), describing the type of action and payload of information being sent to the store. Redux is strict about how code should be organized, which makes it easier for someone with knowledge of Redux to understand the structure of any Redux application.

The finer details on how to build a Todo application from scratch are not explained here. It is presented as a conceptual setting for highlighting Redux Thunk. In this article, you will learn how to add Redux Thunk and how it can fit in a hypothetical Todo application. We are successfully dispatching an action, receiving money from the Cashier, and then subscribing to receive notifications.


As with the « context » API, there might be a new « setState » API in a future version of React. It’d make it easier to break up complex update logic into smaller parts. If/When this new API becomes available, it’s possible that you wouldn’t need Redux anymore to manage this aspect of state management. The store also serves as the single source of truth. Components always retrieve data from the store, not from anywhere else.

what does redux do

How to pass the data to the components that actually render HTML elements? We pass data from outer components to inner components like the baton in a relay, all the way until the data reach the destination. Coordinating these three aspects of state is a big part in frontend development, and React has various degree of support for this task. Sometimes the built-in facility in React works well enough. But as the app grows more complex, its state may become harder to manage with React alone.

Redux (JavaScript library)

Now that we have set up our store, our actions and our reducer we need to add a new class inside the src/App.css file. This class will pause the rotating animation of the logo. And the state for the rotate of the React logo should be changed to false — we want the logo to stop rotating. By the end of this post, you’ll understand what Redux is for, and how to know when it’s time to add it to your own app.

what does redux do

We will also see how some of its core building blocks work, such as store, actions, and reducers and how they all come together and make Redux the global state management library that it is. In conclusion, using Redux with ReactJS brings several advantages to your application development process. It offers centralized state management, predictable state updates, efficient component communication, scalability, and benefits from a thriving ecosystem and community support.

Redux middleware

Note that we update the state immutably by copying the existing state and updating the
copy, instead of modifying the original object directly. Redux helps you deal with shared state management, but like any tool, it has tradeoffs. There are more concepts to learn, and more code to write. It also adds some indirection to your code, and asks you to follow certain restrictions. It’s a trade-off between short term and long term productivity.

  • It’s the most common use case in the wild and Redux improves the aspects where React doesn’t do well (yet).
  • In short – they had a lot of bugs, and they were fed up playing whack-a-mole trying to fix them, and so were their users.
  • By the time you finish, you should understand the different pieces that make up a Redux app, how data flows when using Redux, and our standard recommended patterns for building Redux apps.
  • Now the file App.js will have a slight difference in its code.

With Redux, you must « dispatch » an action to update any data in an app. This restriction makes it possible to hook into almost every aspect of what’s happening in an app. Optimistic UI is a way to improve the user experience of an app.

what does redux do

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